Music festivals: 5 ways to enjoy them sustainably

5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

It's almost time for that magical weekend with friends in the North Byron Parklands listening to your favourite music.  It's also important to treat our earth responsibly; That's why we have put a guide to help you reduce the impact on our environment and do festivals ethically.

Festivals may only last for a couple of days but they can have a big impact on our environment, land and residents. 

 5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

1.Carpool or catch the Bus.

    Did you know that festival's highest carbon footprint comes from travel and transport? Make sure to choose your mode of transport wisely.

    If you are coming to Splendour In The Grass, make sure to sign up for their bus program HERE. Taking a bus to the festival is one of the best options to lessen your impact on the environment and alleviate your carbon footprint. Who knows, you might meet new friends along the way

     5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

    2. Create no waste with your reusable products.

    Using plastic cutlery, cups and water bottles across the weekend adds up to a huge amount of non-biodegradable waste.
    Reduce your foot print by bringing your own reusable cutlery, cups and water bottles. Biodegradable wipes and is also a great way to help the environment while staying hygienic at Festivals.
    5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

    3. Use the correct bins

    Be sure to dispose of your rubbish correctly. Read the signs on the bins to ensure you place the correct wast in the correct bin.


    5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

    4. Forget about wearing fast fashion.

    Fast fashion is one of the world’s top polluters and festival fashion can contribute to this if your outfit is purchased for a one off use. 

    Festivals are a great opportunity to use what you have in your wardrobe and create new outfits by combining old clothes!

    Another way to get creative is to swap or borrow festival outfits, repurpose previous outfits, find second hand or vintage gems.


    5 ways to enjoy music festivals sustainably

    5. Leave no trace and take your camping gear home

    LOVE YOUR TENT SURVEY REVEALS ‘WASTELAND CULTURE’ AT FESTIVALS. Over 60% of festival goers throw away their tent after the festival which ends up in landfill - eeek!!!

    If you are camping at Splendour, don't leave your tent, chairs, gumboot's or any camping gear for someone else to clean up. Dumping your camping gear leaves a lot of stress on the local community and environment. Minimise you foot print by borrowing a tent from a friend, or selling unwanted items after the festival.

    Other ways you can minimise your footprint is by borrowing camping gear and boots from relatives.



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